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She Is Here 10 Year Anniversary

Our updated, anniversary edition of our first original album, She Is Here, is being released November 14th, 2024, exactly 10 years to the day after the release of the original. Dionne, Alison and Kathleen recorded this album about a year and a half into their musical collaboration. While Dionne had some recording studio experience, this was the first time in the studio for Kathleen and Alison, and the joy and discovery of that time are captured in the video footage we took while making the album.

On this new album, we have modified many of the tracks and recorded a couple of new ones. A lot of the songs received mild to moderate tune-ups- Hold You Near, Look Into the Eyes, Ma Durga/She Will Arise and She is Here. A few songs underwent major vocal additions. A Blind Woman Decides She's Not a Sinner was original a solo sung by Kathleen. In this updated edition, Dionne and Alison have added vocal parts. Similarly, Herlove, originally a duet by Alison and Dionne, now has Kathleen's part as well as some addition vocals by Alison, creating five-part harmony at one point in the song. 

We re-recorded Mother of Us All which was originally a song about Kathleen's grandmother. The new recording is a more general version of the same song and also includes Lana's violin. There is also a live version of "She Will Arise," recorded in 2023 that is in a different key that the original album track, has a different opening and has Lana's violin additions.  

There is an additional bonus track, "Love Dear Love," recorded by Dionne and Alison in 2013. Several tracks remain untouched-Paint Us Into Being, More and More, Tell Me, Amma and Spirit Walk. In some cases it was clear that the energetic journey of the songs was complete and no further modifications were needed.

We have eliminated the song "Kundalini Mantra Medley." This was a difficult decision because we love this song and know many of our fans do as well. This song incorporated mantras from the Sikh tradition that were hijacked by the violent, criminal founder of Kundalini Yoga taught in the west. The usage of these mantras in connection to yoga is an invention of this man and has no historical foundation. Because of both the appropriation of these mantras and the violent misogynist crimes committed by the founder, both of which we were not aware of at the time we released the original album, this track has been eliminated. For the same reason, the track formerly known as "Rakhe Goddess," has been reworked to remove the Sikh mantra and is now entitled "Rock of Goddess.

Since the beginning, when we were a trio performing our original songs at herchurch in San Francisco, to the expansion of our band with Lana joining on the violin and the development of our songwriting, and up to the current day as we persist in collaborating as a bicoastal band, SHE has remained by our side. We pray that we all continue to feel that She Is Here as we navigate an uncertain and turbulent future.

"For I am all, all in all that is

What have you to fear?

For I am all that was, that is, that shall be

Trust yourself to me

My love will make you free"

~ from "She Is Here" by Kathleen Joan Neville Shinn



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